Looking for a part time person to work in our trophy and awards department. This position is at our store located at 110 w Gurley st Prescott AZ 86301
Main points
-Working with coreldraw to design files, awards, nametags and logos
-Using laser engravers to produce trophies awards and name tags
-Customer service , interacting with customers and using our Point of sale to create jobs and billing
Job Details
Entry (student)
Applied Technology
Part Time
Related Skills:
How to Apply
Call us at (928) 445-6120 or email us at James@raskinsjewelers.com today!
While all employers are vetted to meet the Maricopa Guidelines, the job postings are not individually reviewed. Students should be diligent in ensuring they are applying for positions that meet their needs and are not in violation of the Maricopa guidelines.